Thursday, January 13, 2005

Trillain is at an impasse

As May 6th draws nearer, I am inevitably compelled to change my online persona. For those of you who don't understand, shame on you: clearly you have neither read enough mid-seventies British comedies or kept on top of current events. As an H2G2 purist, I understand the origin of my moniker, but I fear that once the movie is out, I will be seen as a) a big giant poser taking advantage of a recent hit-movie character, or worse b) naming myself after a character in a huge flop of a movie.

Either way, I'm seriously thinking about changing my blogger name, but will have to think about it some more. I am not taking suggestions on a new name, as the irony of having other people choose my persona is too rich, even for me.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Trillian said...

That's a very touching story, actually. Vroomfondel would have been infinitely easier to pronounce, but it's a moot point since everyone knows and loves you as Wheelson now!

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm with Wheelson - it's a fitting tribute to a great character. If anyone calls you a poser, sic Wowbagger on 'em.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Trillian said...

I wish I wasn't so influenced by the opions of geeks. Alas, I am. Trillian stays. Damned the bad movie reviews!

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Kate said...

I'm glad you won't be changing your online name. When I first saw it I wished I had chosen it too.


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