Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Litmus Test

I thought I looked pretty good when I peered in the bedroom mirror. Sure, I wish the control top could have controlled a bit more. And wouldn't it be nice if my arms were a tidge more toned? But all in all, I thought I didn't look too bad.

Arthur said I looked nice. I thought it must be true because he kept grabbing at me. That's always nice for the ego.

I knew it was true, though, when I walked down the stairs and my five year old daughter drew her breath in and said, "Mommy, you look beautiful!" I have failed her litmus test in the past. She's like the Russian skating judge at the Olympics. Getting a 10 from her is an accomplishment.

So, off I went. Happily assured in the fact that I looked at least as good as Christmas Barbie.


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Dean said...

Happily assured in the fact that I looked at least as good as Christmas Barbie.

That's no mean feat. I'll bet you looked fabulous.

I actually have a story about Christmas Barbie. Actually I think she was/is called 'Holiday Barbie'. Or something.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I'll never look as good as Christmas Barbie - at least not without some serious silicone enhancement.

I'm with you on the grabbing thing, though.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Trillian said...

Y'all are much too kind! One more party tonight. Hopefully there will be more grabbing!



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